Hello SonicPi!
I recently discovered SonicPi , and it is awesome! It is a programming framework in which you write Ruby code to control the Supercollider engine and produce music. It is aimed to “live” performance (live coding), but it can be also used to experiment with algorithmically generated music. My first idea was that it should be not very difficult to “port” my piece “ Bay “ from ngen to SonicPi, and it was very straightforward, indeed. The same code can produce the two variations “Bay” and “Bay at night” simply uncommenting one line. If you don’t have SonicPi installed but want to know what does this sound like, here is a little excerpt. Here is the code: # Bay (2005) re-implemented in SonicPi (2016) # The original Bay was created with ngen an rendered with Csound. # The original ngen implementation is here # https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2374752/csound/bay.gen # and the csound rendition can be listened at # https://archive.org/details/jld_bay # The following...